02/09/24 - SNP Group Meeting. Discussions with fellow SNP councillors on how we can support you and your family through the horrendous cuts from the Labour government at council and Westminster.

03/09/24 - My surgeries restarted after the summer recess. First one was held in the Avondale Wing, Strathaven. Next one will be in Lifestyles Stonehouse on 26th.

09/09/24 - SNP Group Meeting discussing the papers and issues to be discussed at the next Full Council Meeting.

11/09/24 - Meeting of the Full council. Happy to support an SNP motion that this council will write to Sir Keir Starmer, to not only congratulate him on his recent election success but urging him and his cabinet to stop Austerity 2.0. They campaigned to cut fuel bills but instead are cutting fuel support. Change is what they said would happen. Yeah it is. But not all change is positive and it is clear this new Labour Government have changed that much that they may as well be wearing a blue rosette.

17/09/24 - Meeting at Strathaven Mill. I proudly support the work the volunteers are doing in restoring this beautiful building.

18/09/24 - Ten years on and still YES!

Yes then. Yes now. Yes forever!

23/09/24 - Meeting of the PLRB

24/09/24 - Meeting of the IJB


01/10/24 - Meeting of the East Kilbride Area Committee discussing ways to improve the area for all it’s residents.

01/10/24 - 2nd Strathaven Surgery in Avondale Wing. Unfortunately no-one attended.

02/10/24 - Meeting of the Executive Committee. Glad to hear the Labour Leader himself, Joe Fagan, say “No return to austerity”. This should mean no more cuts to council services but let’s take that with the tiniest pinch of salt.

09/10/24 - Meeting with local community policing Sgt at Strathaven Town Mill. Discussed the recent vandalism at the location, the fire bombing of cars and also the speeding on local roads. Patrols will be getting stepped up in hotspot areas and Police Scotland hope to have this done soon.

14/10/24 to 21/10/24 - Holiday Break

24/10/24 - Surgery in Lifestyles Stonehouse. Very well attended. Thanks to those who came along. Remember you can always email me on:

24/10/24 - SNP Cabinet Meeting, discussing upcoming committee meetings and how best to support and improve the lives of ALL SLC residents.

29/10/24 - Third surgery held in Avondale Wing, Strathaven. Sadly had no-one in attendance. If surgeries are left with no attendance then due to budgetary pressures, these will have to cease.

30/10/24 - Meeting of Social Work Resources. Sad to hear of the amount of sickness and absence the resource is dealing with. Carer burn out is becoming somewhat of an epidemic and is concerning. More funds from the council are needed to ensure a full, fit, reliable resource for those of us who need that little bit extra support.

31/10/24 - SNP Group cabinet meeting discussing the recent budget news and how we can continue to improve your life.


I have been working on a motion to bring to the next full council meeting. This relates to the continued sales of disposable vape products to those under 18. More to follow.

04/11/24 - SNP Group Meeting discussing ways in which we can continue to serve you, our constituents.

06/11/24 - Meeting of the Rural Task Force. Pleased to hear about plans to increase tourism throughout Clydesdale.

06/11/24 - Meeting with Christina McKelvie’s office manager where discussions took place regarding the ongoing issues in the Persimmon Development in Stonehouse.

08/11/24 - Visit to the Briar Unit within Stonehouse Hospital. This is a fantastic addition to the services provided from our local community hospital.

10/11/24 - Was a pleasure to lay a wreath at Stonehouse Cemetery to remember all those who fought and died so we can live today.

13/11/24 - Further meeting of the Executive Committee.

14/11/24 - Meeting of SNP group Cabinet Meeting. Discussions taken regarding the upcoming Full Council on Wednesday 20th November. remember, these are livestreamed on YoutTube.

18/11/24 - Meeting of the full SNP group to ensure our upcoming motions meet the needs of our constituents.

20/11/24 - Full Council. Proposed a motion for further action on controlling sales of disposable vapes to children. This received full backing from all council parties with an expression of personal support from the provost. This was livestreamed and will be made available shortly. Text of my speech and the motion listed on my main page.

21/11/24 - Meeting of SNP Cabinet.

28/11/24 - Another SNP Cabinet Meeting. The only group to stand up for what is in yours, and Scotland’s, interest without intereference from English HQ’s


01/12/24 - Pleased to be invited along to celebrate the beginning of advent by the local group, Fibro Friends Lanarkshire. Was more than happy to offer my time and hand out Christmas Gifts to their members.

02/12/24 - Last SNP Group Meeting of the year. What a busy year it has been for ALL SNP group councillors. What a great bunch.

05/12/24 - SNP Group exec meeting discussing the way forward for 2025 with an increased budget offering from the SNP Government in Holyrood.

10/12/24 - EK Area Committee to discuss plans for the much needed regeneration of the centre.

10/12/24 - IJB Briefing

11/12/24 - Council Executive meeting

11/12/24 - Further IJB updates and briefings