Here you will find previous newsworthy posts from my page:
At the recent Executive Committee Meeting on Wednesday 7th August. A motion proposed by the council leader himself, Joe Fagan, won a vote which saw the distance for free school transport change from 2 miles to 3 miles.
This was backed by the Liberal Democrats and the Provost.
They did not take any of the consultations into account. It now seems that this group like to have consultations just so they can ignore them.
The SLC SNP Group tabled a motion to halt these changes and keep the distance at it’s 2 mile level. I’m glad to see the Tory councillors backing this amendment. However, I was disappointed but not surprised with the one abstention from the Green Party.
Make no mistake here, this decision was not about the kids, not about their safety, not even about money. It was political in nature and the leader of the council should be ashamed of himself. Once more he uses his remarks on the proposal as a political soapbox without any chance of rebuttal from other councillors.
Labour continue to show their true colours. Their slogan for the GE was Change.
We’ve got change, but certainly not for the better.
Some Labour councillors weren’t aware of what was in their budget.
Some Tory councillors didn’t know the nitty gritty of the budget such as paying back £19.2m for a £7.2m roads fund. Nor did they realise that some leisure facilities haven’t been “saved” as alluded to in the budget.
The Unionist Pact within SLC will lay the blame squarely on the SNP governments shoulders for the council tax freeze. As is now known, they didn’t need to accept the freeze AND the funding from the SNP govt was more than would have been raised. So even if your council tax was increased, these cuts would’ve happened. Let’s also remember this; costs of staff wages, energy, fuel, supplies, basically everything we pay for, is more expensive than ever, thus putting a squeeze on budgets. But why is this? 13 years of Tory Austerity. Brexit. Cost of Living. 46 days of a Liz Truss government. The list goes on.
Taking Action on Vape Sales to Children
Notice of Motion Motion received in terms of Standing Order No 20 on 5 November 2024, proposed by Councillor Elise Frame, seconded by Councillor Cal Johnston-Dempsey, as follows:-
“Council notes the recent publication of an article on our South Lanarkshire View website regarding the sale of disposable vape products to those under the age of 18. Council expresses disappointment that more than one third of retailers we tested were found to have sold vapes to people under the age of 18.
Council further notes, and condemns, the fact that, when these retailers were re-tested, a quarter were found to still be breaking the law.
Council notes that our Trading Standards Officers have fined those retailers breaking this law £200 (£150 if paid within 14 days) but is discouraged that a quarter of retails continued to sell disposable vapes to children and young people.
Council believes that this indicates that rogue retailers are factoring the fine risk into the cost of doing business.
Council welcomes the potential complete ban of disposable vape products, which is being discussed at a UK level, and notes a previous motion passed in this chamber calling on such a ban. Until this national ban comes into effect, Council recognises that more must be done on a local level.
Council agrees:
1. That Trading Standards will continue to test retailers and, where practicable, will increase how many outlets are tested.
2. That existing confidential processes for members of the public to report retailers selling nicotine products to minors – via phone, web form and email – will be better promoted and publicised through the council’s various communications channels.
3. Where a premises is found to have sold nicotine products to people under the age of 18, Trading Standards will continue to liaise with the Licensing Team to consider where further action might be appropriate, including; a. The possibility of seeking an order in the Sheriff Court prohibiting the sale of nicotine products by that vendor. b. The possibility of reviewing a relevant licence held by the seller, issued by this Council/the Licensing Board for the provision of age-restricted goods or services, for example; the sale of alcohol, skin piercing, tattooing, fireworks, gaming, knife dealer, sex shop, cinema, sunbed, and the like.
Council thanks Trading Standards, and their youth volunteers, for the work they have already carried out on this issue.”
Last year I seconded a motion in this chamber to ask our chief exec to write to both Holyrood and Westminster. This was urging them to consider a ban on disposable vape products. At that time, this was about as much as this councils’ powers covered. Today, We, as a council, can do so much more. We can make changes to make it more difficult for those under the age of 18 to purchase such vapes.
I am pleased that Trading Standards have been conducting test purchases and I thank them, and especially the youth volunteers for doing this.
However, I am disheartened that some retailers failed to adhere to the law. Even worse is that during a re-test, certain retailers still failed to adhere to the law. This just doesn’t sit well with me, and I’m sure many of you will agree.
Every day we see the issues that arise due to the increased use of disposable vapes. These are now the new “fad” and as we know, are especially appealing to our youth population. These products are creating a new generation of addicts, and certain shops are complicit in this. The fact is, we don’t know what damage these can cause to anyone, never mind those whose bodies are still developing.
I am fully aware that increasing test purchases, re-testing, and potentially increasing the number of reports that will take place, will have an increase admin attached to it. But we can’t fail our constituents, the very people who voted us into this position.
Whilst we wait on both national governments implementing a ban, I am calling on this council to step up and do more than current guidelines suggest. It is to be assumed that some retailers tested aren’t too bothered about getting a fixed penalty fine, so long as they can continue selling these vapes. That is why I am urging you to stand with me today in tightening the rules we have in place so that retailers know they can’t keep flouting the laws and rules. I hope you will back this motion today.
Thank you.
I am utterly devastated that 2 care homes are closing. The families, friends and loved ones of these care home residents have put up a fantastic fight. Just to find it’s not to be and the homes will close. As a carer myself, I see the stress major changes play on a vulnerable person.
Was the public consultation a paper exercise? I now believe so.
As an IJB voting member I do so independently of any political party and should be allowed to form my own consensus and opinion.
At the meeting of Tuesday 26th March, amendments were put forward by trade unions and these were deemed not competent. An amendment was tabled by a fellow board member asking the IJB to ask the Scottish Govt for more money. This was accepted as a competent amendment.
As part of my speech below, I tabled a further amendment to ask ALL partners to look at additional funds including the NHS and UK Govt and for the paper to be deferred until this takes place. I was informed that this was not competent.
My preference would have been for a vote on the agenda item that related to these closure. Due to having no competent amendments or alternatives, this was not to be. I had to voice my dissent at this time but was disappointed that the chair of the IJB refused to accept my dissent but would only note it in minutes. I have included my notice of dissent at the foot of this page along for your reference.
The meeting then went on to state that the agenda item relating to the closures was passed unanimously. This was not true and I had to remind the chair of my dissent.
So now what happens? Steps will be taken to commence the closures of these homes. The last Council run care home in Clydesdale and Hamilton areas will disappear. Who knows where the residents will go!
I will still continue to be a strong voice for everyone involved so please rest assured that I am still in your corner. Get in touch with me if you wish for further assistance and/or advice: or by using the contact link above.
From the deepest parts of my heart, I am sorry I was unable to save this from happening. I pray for you all at these troublesome times.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones.